Clinical Correlations Reflection

Content & Focus: 25% I feel like I clearly understood the content of each patient scenario and clinical topics discussed. I often used the most current and appropriate information to portray my case topic. I used accurate statistics and data-points to accurately depict my topic.

Logic & flow: 25% I presented my topics in a logical manner and provided visual aids where appropriate to help keep my classmates engaged and attentive. The majority of my case questions were presented in a logical and concise fashion that facilitated clinical learning.

Analysis: 40% For some of the questions assigned to the cases I provided components of each. This allowed my classmates a full understanding of the treatment or modalities used to better patient outcomes.

Communication/Collaboration: 10% I feel that I showed good listening and attentive contributions to the group on both the cases and the assigned case questions not only to the professor but also to my classmates. I helped my classmates formulate the case presentation and flow of the initial case report to the group